1505 W. Oak Street Zionsville, IN 46077

Personalized Lifestyle, Functional Medicine & Weight Loss Care
Welcome to Renewal Health, your premier lifestyle and functional medicine practice dedicated to providing personalized and exceptional healthcare services with interest in obesity management, metabolic health and the science of longevity.
Services include
Lifestyle and functional medicine care
Weight loss care
Nutrition planning, fitness planning and more
Metabolic health recommendations
Pharmacotherapy/supplement guidance and more!
Whether your goal is to lose weight or improve your metabolic health
or simply feel better over-all, we'd love to help you!
All of this is brought to you with extended appointment times, direct access to the physician, and proactive wellness planning.
Personalized Care
Longer Appointment Times
Direct Access To Physician

Our Services
Join our practice and enjoy individualized care from a lifestyle and functional medicine perspective, including obesity management, metabolic health recommendations, nutrition education and design, fitness planning, supplement recommendations, and weight loss plan all informed by
laboratory data, genetic markers, and a bio-impedence analysis (InBody).
Make a meet 'n greet appointment to learn more!